Kaltene birds' trail

Kaltene coastal formations is a specially protected nature territory, geologic and geomorphological nature monument. Sediments rich in mollusc fossils have been found here dating back to the Littorina Sea period (around 6000 years ago). This nature territory is significant not only for its geology and geomorphology, it is also interesting for its landscape, botany and ornithology.

The nature trail goes along the sea coast un leads to the watching tower, which opens the view to the landscape that is characteristic to the Gulf of Riga shore and to Kaltene sea coast strewed with boulders. Bird lovers are specifically recommended to visit the trail and the watching tower in spring and autumn during the bird migration period, when high diversity of Anseriformes and Charadriiforms is present here. For bird watching beginners an info stand is installed at the tower on how to distinguish the various birds. In rainy weather the trail may be wet.

This is a trail for hikers and bird-watchers, located in a very interesting place on the shore of the Bay of Rīga near Kaltene. The visitor will see small inlets and capes and a rocky or overgrown shore. At the end of the trail there is a bird-watching tower. During the spring and autumn migrations of birds, the visitor will see a great many different kinds of birds in the area – geese, plovers, etc. The length of the track is a bit more than one kilometre, and it will take 20 minutes to an hour to cover.

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