Buses (Matkule) Castle Mound

A mound of five tiers, the Buse castle mound was one of the political and economic centres of Vanema, the land of Cours, in the 11th–13th century. Judging by the discovered potsherds, the castle mound was inhabited as early as the 1st millennium BC and the beginning of common era.

Nowadays, the centre of the castle mound features a fire worship place with tree concentric stone rings and a ritual campfire in the middle. From the top of the castle mound, you will have an excellent view to the valley of the swift Imula River, which encircles the mound on three sides. There are three cup-marked stones next to the mound (two on one side and the third on the other side). For its natural beauty, the castle mound has received two European cultural heritage flags, which are located in the nearby Buses estate. Here, you will also find the guest book of the Buse castle mound, which dates back to 1911. In 1932, Buses became one of the first tourist dwellings in Latvia.

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